This page presents a dedicated software that computes reliable seeing from star image. This is a "doubled star" created by adding a two holes mask and wedge prism at the telescope entrance pupil. It produces accurate results to measure the atmospheric turbulence from the ground to the outer atmosphere.
A digital video camera can be used to acquire the data, and thanks to their frame rate (up to 30 frames per second, depending on the model), it is possible to perform a real time analysis and compute the seeing based on the method explained hereafter :
ALCOR-SYSTEM has two software available to provide the atmospheric seeing figure :
- a fully automatic software that performs seeing measurements from dusk till dawn. No user attendance is required. This page presents this software.
- a manual software, that performs the same measurements but the telescope needs to be attended by a user to change star to another. Nevertheless autoguiding is provided.
The DIMM automated module is part of the PRISM software, and this is a special module that is enabled by ALCOR-SYSTEM. This is not a standard PRISM module. To order the software module please contact us.
To work properly the software needs a robotic mount (such as this one, or equivalent), an electronic finder, a DIMM dedicated electronic camera.
ALCOR-SYSTEM can provide a turn key system including telescope, camera, dome and software.
The ESO DIMM Monitor (M.Sarazin, F.Roddier) PDF
Measuring Astronomical seeing: the DA/IAC DIMM (J.Vernin,C Muñoz-Tuñon) PDF
Wavefront outer scale and seeing measurements at San Pedro Martir Observatory (R.Conan, R.Avila and all). PDF
The software module can open the dome/shelter on dusk, start the system, slew the telescope, run the measurements. When dawn comes, the telescope parks, and the dome/shelter can be closed. This cycle resumes on the next night.
The software can be linked to a weather system, that monitors cloud coverage and take actions accordingly.
The software outputs the result in many ways, as a the last measured figure:
To order the software, or ask questions, please contact us.
The last night seeing is plotted, as data comes and is saved as text file:
Double Star guiding is performed, so that it never happens that the leaves the field of view.
Measurement stars are selected according to user input criterias, and once the star is outside the desired window, the software selects another star and slew to another. Then autoguiding can resume automaticaly. No user attendance is required.
The software can be linked to a weather system, that monitors cloud coverage and take actions accordingly.
Plots and data can be uploaded automaticaly, on regular basis, to a FTP server.