ALCOR-SYSTEM performed consultancy services for many companies. We will happy to hear about your project and provide solutions.
Here are some consultancy services our company performed in the past, contact us for more information.
This is not an exhaustive list, most of the project our company was involved in are under Non Disclosure Agreements.
Our company can perform training on products we sold, in order to get the best from them.
Our strengths are focused to these technical fields :
Optics : Telescope optical alignement / Shack hartmann alignement procedure
Mechanics : Modal modes measurement, structure stiffness assessment
Control system : 4 Mirrors positionning, ALT-AZ-DEROT direct drive mount tuning
Telescope software : controlling more than 25 motors to adjust optical parts and multiple setups
System software : TCS, software architecture review, recommendations and fixups
Project management : Management and follow up of sub-contractors in China, reporting.
Quality : Qualiy Inspection and assessment.
Commissionning : Procedures, required tools to validate system performance.
Officina stellare 60cm F8 RC telescope
Mount : NOVA 200 mount, controller and software made by our company
System architecture : according to the requirements, reliability of the system.
Control system : Complete observatory control equipement installation (dome control, computers, focal plane hardware and control, mount and tube control)
ALL Sky camera : EUDA
Training : people running the observatory training and knowledge transfer
Installation : Observatory installation and deployment, first tests.
Commissionning : Tests of the mount and whole observatory devices controlled by central computer and PRISM software.
Customer : SAFRAN / REOSC for Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Russia)
More information here

ALCOR SYSTEM expertise was requested in the following fields (2 years work) :
2.5 m Sternberg Astronomical Institute telescope
Astronomical instrumentation
Airbone remote sensing
All sky surveillance, satellite re-entry tracking
Optical metrology
Medical applications : shack-hartmann metrology and ophthalmic applications
Optical simulations : sequential and non sequential simulations
System engineering  : software, mechanics, opto mechanics and control systems
Camera systems : image sensor characterization, camera systems
Software and systems : testbench, metrology testbenches for instruments
Image processing and image chain quality, from optics and sensor to final file on disk
Optical metrology : shack-hartmann, auto collimation with flat mirrors
Consultancy services
The application fields are :
Mars Observatory Project (France)
Customer : French State
More information here

ALCOR SYSTEM was project manager in this project, and also project integrator. It consisted in providing telescope (OTA), mount, electrical architecture, dome control, software integration, observatory automation and observatory commissionning. Here are the solutions that were provided
The telescope and the mount were installed on July 15th, 2014, two days after the Optical Tube Assembly and the mount were assembled together, the observatory was providing its first light nice images just two days after. Here is below an unguided 180s exposure with 5400 mm focal length, showin star FWHM less than 2 arcsec. This was a sucessful project.