Optics : Telescope optical alignement / Shack hartmann alignement procedure
Mechanics : Modal modes measurement, structure stiffness assessment
Control system : 4 Mirrors positionning, ALT-AZ-DEROT direct drive mount tuning
Telescope software : controlling more than 25 motors to adjust optical parts and multiple setups
System software : TCS, software architecture review, recommendations and fixups
Project management : Management and follow up of sub-contractors in China, reporting.
Quality : Qualiy Inspection and assessment.
Commissionning : Procedures, required tools to validate system performance.
Officina stellare 60cm F8 RC telescope
System architecture : according to the requirements, reliability of the system.
Control system : Complete observatory control equipement installation (dome control, computers, focal plane hardware and control, mount and tube control)
Training : people running the observatory training and knowledge transfer
Installation : Observatory installation and deployment, first tests.
Commissionning : Tests of the mount and whole observatory devices controlled by central computer and PRISM software.
Optical simulations : sequential and non sequential simulations
System engineering : software, mechanics, opto mechanics and control systems
Camera systems : image sensor characterization, camera systems
Software and systems : testbench, metrology testbenches for instruments
Image processing and image chain quality, from optics and sensor to final file on disk
Optical metrology : shack-hartmann, auto collimation with flat mirrors